Our First 35 Years
Karamu House Project • Major fundraising and audience development effort allowed the Western Reserve (OH) Chapter to present Karamu with a check for $10,000 and over $1,200 in books, toys, and games for the daycare center Women’s Shelter Project • $14,000 refurbishing project at the Cleveland Center for Domestic Violence and support of the Jones Home, a shelter for battered women and families Making Health a Habit Grant Project • Multifaceted health and wellness grant project administered in East Cleveland, funded by the Cleveland Foundation from Forest City Hospital Funds A Gala Arts Debut • Black-tie fundraiser to introduce classically trained artists to the community, presented in collaboration with Accord Associates Voter Registration • Area colleges and universities-drive resulted in increased voter registration Project Lifesaver • Pilot program educated African American women about the importance of early screening and detection of breast and cervical cancer
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